
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Veggie smoothie

"Nuthin' to it, just do it"
 During my post college wanderlust I ended up  Durham North Carolina.  My car broke down and I had a friend kind enough to take me in while it was being repaired.  A restaurant job seemed in order since they had food and I found myself in need of the same.   The cook was a great big burly ex golden gloves black man named PJ.  PJ, I asked?   What kind of name is PJ?   Primrose Jones, he replied.  Unthinking (my main character trait) I laughed at the notion of a boy being named Primrose.   It was then that I learned of his Golden Glove skills.   On more than one occasion I considered naming one of my boys Primrose as a peace offering to Karma.
I later posed a more reasonable and safer question to PJ.  Who taught you how to cook PJ?   "Nuthin too it it, just do it" he said.   It was one of his primary beliefs and one that I have come to embrace late in life.  In honor of the late Primrose Jones, it has become my PJ approach to cooking.

So how am I to learn the art of making veggie smoothies? "nuthin to it.........."

So, here we go.   What's in the kitchen?

fresh limes, tomatoes, apples, a cucumber, baby carrots, broccoli (oooops, it's too old to use), potatoes, sweet potatoes, onions and spices.

As monk would say "Here's what happened"
The following was tossed, chucked, added or otherwise placed in a blender:
* 5-6 roma tomatoes    why?    had to start somewhere
* a handful of baby carrots 
* the juice of one lime?   (just a guess)
* a red apple    (a 'sweet' component so it wasn't just tomato juice)
* a cucumber   why?   why not?
I pulsated it a few times and added filtered water just to make it a bit more drinkable.   ouch.....I forgot Connie bought soy milk last night.   I could have used that.  Oh regrets.   Next time it's soy milk  :)

taste test.     Good!  Not great though.   Time for some hot sauce.  Better!    I bet some ancho or cayenne pepper would be a good addition.    Bottom line - I like it.   

Result:   this will become a part of my daily diet.   Probably as follows:

breakfast:    steel cut oats with cinnamon & a fruit smoothy
lunch:  veggie smoothy with a side of toasted nuts, seeds, or vegan bread
dinner: a hot vegan meal.  I'm trying to figure out good dinner combos.  I.E.  green salad, lightly steamed veggies,   beans with rice or pasta, some roots like sweet potato, etc.   Dinner is the confusing one for me.   Any suggestions?  


  1. next time I am going to toss in some crushed garlic, and oregano. Who knows, maybe even some cinnamon

  2. now I am curious. Let's go google sweet potato smoothy and see what happens. Cheers everyone!

  3. you gotta love google -
